What learning model does chatgpt use?

Big Language Models ChatGPT is an extrapolation of a class of machine learning natural language processing models known as big language models (LLM). ChatGPT is an application created by OpenAI. With GPT language models, it can answer your questions, write texts, write emails, hold a conversation, explain the code in different programming languages, translate natural language into code, and more, or at least try it based on the natural language prompts you give it. It's a chatbot, but very, very good.

The model was trained using a method called Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). The training process involved an initial model adjusted through supervised learning, in which human trainers played both the role of user and that of AI assistant. The data set used to train ChatGPT is enormous. ChatGPT is based on the GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer) architecture.

Now, the abbreviation GPT makes sense, doesn't it? It's generative, which means it generates results, it's pre-trained, which means it's based on all the data it ingests, and it uses the transformer architecture that evaluates text inputs to understand the context. Let's first analyze the data that is entered into ChatGPT and then let's analyze the ChatGPT user interaction phase and natural language. The ChatGPT GPT is mainly GPT-3, or the generatively pretrained Transformer 3, although the GPT-4 is now available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers and will likely become widespread soon.

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